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kinky couples in spain

Today Borya s in Spain chilling, still hasn t had any luck moving into a flat. He s going to check out a house to see if he can buy it, but damn this house is huge. Once he get there and knocks a Hottie with Body comes to the door looking sexier then ever with long legs, black hair and luscious lips that ll suck the skin off your cock. Once he gets in and looks around Borya is gonna try his best to negotiate a price. Seems as thing take a twist when her and a male friend starts getting kinky in front of Borya, which we all know he definitely doesn t mind. They start getting naked in the dinning area, and they don t have any shame in their game as she gets on the table and starts to suck his cock, next thing you know he fucking her brains out until he bust a nut on those plump lips. If you want to know how he drop a price watch all episode and joy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 02, 2009
  • 236


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