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shawna leene has the right tool

This week on can he score. We have an exciting new girl. Her name is Shawna Leene and she wants to meet someone new and interesting. She heard we were good match makers and decided to give it a shot. So we hooked her up with Buddy Royals he s a 23 year old tool-head who looks like one of those gay magazine fashion model rejects. He likes racing cars and getting rough and dirty. (Whatever that means) He s looking to hook up with a strange girl and possibly taking her home to meet his mother. We thought this would be a great match-up because Shawna is also a car enthusiast and a bit of a book worm. The best part about her is she s smoking hot. Nice perky titties and an amazing ass for a white girl. She isn t shy but she still has manners and expect her man to be just as moral as her. So maybe this happens, maybe it doesn t the only question on our minds is CAN HE SCORE?

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 25, 2009
  • 254


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