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married to the cock

Shorty Mac went over to Stevie Hart s house for a game of pool, and man let me tell you she sure is a nice piece of ass. Well as they were about to start Stevie handed Shorty Mac a pool stick so he can break first but he brought his own stick to play with, unexpectedly pulling out his Monster Cock catching her by surprise and that she sure was, lost for words not believing what her eyes are seeing. She had to see for herself if it was real so she dropped to her knees had started sucking the cock like a ring pop, Shorty Mac had her bend over onto the pool table and sure enough gave her some of that infamous Monster Cock, Oh Yeah! Making her scream as he drove the dick in her tight pink pussy but she took it like a champ till the end as Shorty Mac bust a load in her mouth as she swallowed every drop of cum that came out. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 29, 2009
  • 286


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