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physical therapy

You guys know how i love to take care of my when i heard that 2 friends of mine had just recently been into a car accident i was on a mission to do my best to cheer them up. And i got these guys good i had them believing they were going to a regular physical therapy session that i had supposivly set up for them with a friend. Little did they know they were actually going to a rub n tug but my helpful hand didnt stop there i wasnt to impressed with the clientel working at this particular rub n tug so i brought three of my own beautiful nurses...of course they arent real nurses but they sure knew how to make these two guys feel a whole lot please guys not all of you are going to be as lucky as these two guys and have these special nurses to take care of you so remember buckle up!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 06, 2009
  • 346


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