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can tony score a bridgette?

This week we have the very beautiful, extremely sexy Spanish babe Bridgette B. She actually is all natural, natural ass and natural tits, just plain natural. Bridgette told us that she wanted to upgrade her hot boobies and decided she wanted to give them one last romp in the porn world before she does it. We told her Hey why not get on a Blind Date and give some lucky guy a chance of the that hot action. Ok We didn t say that, but that was the gist of it. Anyway we set her up with Tony Robo a professional house painter that apparently gets more than just painting done at those houses...if you know what I mean. He bangs the lonely housewives. So we set them up on a date to see what would happen if a regular joe and a porn star were to hook up. Can he get the job done. CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 23, 2009
  • 271


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