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big booty beauties

Hey there ladies and gentlemen from all over the world, joey ray here bringing you this weeks assparade update for the second week in a row, and let me tell you that I m glad i stuck around for this one, with us we have the hottest milf of all times, Monique fuentes & we also another beauty Nikki Sexx and these 2 beauties have AMAZING ASSES!! they are both so hot that they make everyone in the room uglier just by them being around and I m not over exaggerating, Any who I get back to the pad and two of the luckiest men l know are there handling there business, you all know what i mean, the shoot is packed with ENORMOUS ASSES and BEAUTIFUL WOMEN...STAY TUNED!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 16, 2009
  • 304


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