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happy birthday shooter

So its Shooters birthday this week and the girls wanted to surprise him the only way they could. with a Fuck Team B-day party. Brooke,Isis,and Aurora got some of Shooters friends to come by and join in on the festivities. At first Shooter didn t know what the fuck was going on until the blind fold came off and these hotties were in party mode. Brooke made sure that everyone got down to their birthday suites and commence the nastiness. The girls had originally planned to fuck shooter but couldn t resist his friends. Isis and Aurora made sure that Shooters friends were well taken care of. It must be great to have friends like these girls. to make sure they give you one hell of a Birthday party. Fuck Team style of course.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 20, 2009
  • 365


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