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working the security

Lindsey just moved into a new apartment complex, and she s been eyeing the dayshift security since she moved in a couple of months ago. she purposely hasn t registered her car with the association just so she can have small talk with Richie. This week she was determined to try to get him to jump her bones. as she pulled up to get her parking pass Lindsey pulled up her skirt exposing her panties. Richie was shocked and got the message right away . as Lindsey hinted that she needed some assistance Richie was down for the cause. he came to her Unit and to his surprise Mrs. Lovehands panties were waiting for him at the door, as he walked in he found more articles of clothing. This excited Richie for he was about to embark an an amazing sexcapade with Ms. Lindsey Lovehands.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 29, 2009
  • 161


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