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tasting shane s cum

We re out and about driving around with Shane looking for hot bitches so he can dick down, as we continue driving we notice Natalie s car from a distance parked on the side of the rode. Come to find out she ran out of gas trying to make it to the gas station on an empty tank, it s a good thing we re here to the rescue. As Shane and Natalie gets more acquainted with one another in the back seat we head back home for a bit, but before we even get home we notice Natalie is sucking on Shane s cock in the back seat of the car, wow what a sight to see. Once back at the house they decide to pick up where they let off, without hesitation the clothes comes off as Natalie locks on Shane s big cock stroking with her mouth. In return he gets a little taste of that tight wet pussy before he smashes it on the couch with every bit of strength he has until he pulls out beating his cock until a load of cum falls in her mouth leaving her with a MOUTHFUL, well until she swallows. Definitely check this episode out. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 30, 2009
  • 136


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