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travis & tiffany make a porno

Hey there ladies and gents yet another that i bring you another Bangbus update and this time i must admit that we were very lucky in how fast we got in our game.We were just cruising and we see this fly spanish Mami walking all by herself and what the hell i go for it, Soon to find out that she is there waiting for her boyfriend to catch up to her, but dude seems pretty and doesn t whoop my ass right away so i ask them if they would like to come with us and for the right amount they had no other choice, Man this girl is a total HOTTY so we decide to throw more money there way to see what else he is willing to let her do and as you guys know, Money talks and they did exactly what we asked them to do, Guys this a good update,Stay tuned!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 01, 2009
  • 121


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