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carmel and carl

This week we have Carmel Moore - a hot babe from the British Isles. And believe me, she is as sweet as the candy she was named after. She has a body that you would like to run your tongue all over, licking her This week we have Carmel Moore - a hot babe from the British Isles. And believe me, she is as sweet as the candy she was named after. She has a body that you would like to run your tongue all over, licking her fantastic nipples until she melts in your mouth. That s right, Carmel is hot and she has a great accent to go with her big, bouncy ass, too! Carmel came to us because she wanted to meet someone new while she was doing some work in the sates. Carmel Moore wants someone she can have conversation with, someone who wants more than to get her pants because she s a pornstar. That s why we hooked her up with Carl Blue. He s a young law student but he doesn t have the time to meet new women because he spends all night, every night studying. This might be a great opportunity for two new people to meet and hook up or it could go bust...who knows? What we really want to know is CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:23:15
  • Sep 17, 2009
  • 218


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