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found some hot ass looking for tony

I just got to Brazil for the first time, lured by tales of hot asses and loose women but unfortunately I couldn t find Tony. He had made the trip a few times before, making him the man with the plan. When I arrived and had to cab it to the beach house I got a little nervous. Two days later, I found a note on the floor that said went to beach bar, getting fucked up, fucking bitches, see you there. So I figured I might as well brave it out to the beach and find my step bro. With camera in hand, I found a beach bar (and a tasty coconut) but there was no Tony. Not knowing a lick of protégées I start asking around if anybody has seen a short white guy around. That s when I met her. Amanda was at the beach with her boyfriend, splashing around in the water. When I approached her with my cam for some shots her boyfriend didn t like it much but he lightened up after I said Miami and photo and showed off my pro cam. I took them back to the beach house for some pics and party and all was

  • 01:03:27
  • Oct 21, 2009
  • 426


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