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jenny and ramdy the slow guy

This week we have the very beautiful Jenny Hendrix. She s been on Fuck Team 5 and is an award winning pornstar! When she heard we were setting up gals on hot dates with off-the-street amateurs, Jenny wanted to come down to Miami and see what was up. So we did what we do best! We hooked her up with Ramdy, a shoe salesman who is unlucky with love. He s a bit slow and extremely shy, but we figured that the minute he got one look at Jenny that he would come out of his shell. After all, she is smoking hot. Fantastic legs, a great ass with a cute dimple on it, and really nice tits. So can Ramdy get out there and bang the girl of his dreams or will this slow-witted shoe salesman be going home to his left hand, some lotion, and possibly a shoe horn? CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:37:30
  • Nov 05, 2009
  • 273


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