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penny s new flame

This week Penny Flame came to Miami for a little fun under the sun and possible a Spanish Flame. Penny is crazy and funny, plus she s mega hot. We knew that we needed to find somebody who could match up to her craziness. So we set her up with Alexander, a dancer/bartender who has a way with the ladies. That s why when they met for the first time, they hit it off right away! These two couldn t keep their hands off each other. In fact, just a little bit into the date, we were pretty convinced it was a sure thing. We took them to lunch and Alexander bought Penny a new dress. I guess you can say that this date is total success, but really just because you can pull off all that and get a pornstar into the bedroom doesn t mean you ve won the game. You have to finish. That s when we truly find out CAN HE SCORE?

  • 00:30:09
  • Nov 12, 2009
  • 295


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