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fun with the pool boys

Hey guys! Today you re going to see what happens when me and my friends, Abby Lane and Sophie Ryan, go to the pool and find some cute guys. We were just going to hang out, but then I saw these boys and you know I wanted to have fun! We totally decided to get them naked for a little skinny dipping. As you may have guessed, it didn t take much to get them naked. But you know I m not going to let it just be some simple, normal skinny dipping. We tortured the boys a little bit, smacking their asses and squirting waterguns at their assholes. But finally we decided that they had been through enough and the girls gave them blowjobs and some good fucking for their troubles. I hope you guys enjoy! I know we did!

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 16, 2009
  • 230


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