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stuffing the legal assistant

Yo, what s up guys? Me and Shorty were going to meet up with my lawyer when I ran into his assistant Kylee. I introduced Shorty to her while she complained about my camera. She got over it though. Her boss was out to lunch but we needed to be quiet because there was a meeting in the next room. So, we all went into the boss’s room and sat on the couch to talk for a little while before Kylee decided she needed to get back to work and make some copies. Me and Shorty suggested that Kylee make copies of her titties and ass. To our surprise, she did it and she let us watch. After that she was feeling a little frisky, so we took her back to the boss s offices and fucked her on her boss s couch. Best day at a lawyer s office ever!Me and Shorty suggested that Kylee make copies of her titties and ass. It was great because she did it and she let us watch. After that she was feeling a little frisky, so we took her back to the bosses offices and fucked her on her bosses couch. Best day in court.

  • 00:41:15
  • Nov 16, 2009
  • 660


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