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tagging that ass!

Welcome back! Today s Monsters Of Cock episode features Shorty Mac and the sexy Hungarian babe Aliz. We stopped by Shorty Mac s crib to show him who he would be working with for today s shoot. We kind of interrupted the art session he had going on with his spray paint cans. He was in the middle of tagging his walls but then he met Aliz. All I know is that the look on Shorty Mac s face said it all. He dropped what he was doing just so he could eye this piece of candy from head to toe. Just by the look in his eye, it was clear that he was ready to jump her bones. Being the gentleman that he is, he offered her a go at spray painting the wall as well. Little did she know, he just wanted to see her hold the spray paint can in her hands since the girth of his humungous cock is the same size of the can. Once he saw how well she could handle the can, he took her inside and whipped his cock out. Aliz eyes opened wide in amazement. She wanted that big dick so badly that she skipped the cock sucking and went straight to the fucking. All I know is that Shorty Mac put the smack down on that ass, shoving every inch of his cock in her tight pussy. Don t miss out! Come watch Aliz fine ass take a pounding by the Monster Cock.

  • 00:42:18
  • Nov 30, 2009
  • 427


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