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kara and brock

Kara Novak is twenty and still relatively new to the industry. She works a lot and doesn t have time to go on dates so we thought it would be nice if we set her up on one! We set her up with Brock Johnson. He s one of those suave dudes that claims he s sexual and anything goes. In fact, he says the freakier the better. So we thought it would be great if we paired them up and sent them on their way. Of course, we followed along with our cameras to see if he can pull off the best date ever. Kara, a native Floridian chick, is crazy hot, a little promiscuous and has the cutest little tattas. Brock would be lucky as hell if he could score this chick. So lets see what happens... Can this regular dude bang a pornstar?? CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:19:30
  • Dec 10, 2009
  • 228


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