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big brazilian bunda

Wassup Guys?? So after banging the tight little pussy of Ms. Bruna last night, she asked if she could spend the night and we figured why not? She calls a friend of hers Katrina to come over & cook us a nice Brazilian lunch. Man.... Katrina, Katrina, Katrina ..... This girl has the nicest set of tits I ve seen so far out here! I mean they are just fucking flawless and you know what else??? She s got the round Brazilian Bunda to match. As Tony would say, she s got the Triple B which means Big Brazilian Breast or Big Brazilian Bunda. Katrina is a double triple B in this case. So she kept on flirting with Tony as we enjoyed her food, next thing you know Tony manage to get them both on their knees before finishing our meal. Then the unthinkable happened.... Bruna got jealous and fucking left. Katrina didn t give a fuck. She just wanted some gringo cock and that s exactly what she got... Come check it out.

  • 00:42:18
  • Dec 16, 2009
  • 658


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