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the gentle giant

Hello there, Monsters Of Cock fans! Joining us for today s shoot is the sexy brown skin babe Catalina Taylor and the gentle giant himself, Shorty Mac a.k.a The 8x8 man. Things seemed to be going well between the two until Shorty Mac pulled out his ginormous cock. Catalina had never seen anything like it before in her life. Shocked and amazed at how huge it was, all she could do was stare at it. Then the craziest shit happened! Catalina started crying. Literally, tears came running down her cheeks. But, no need to worry my friends, he gave her his dick! He stuffed his cock in and stretched her tight pink pussy with ease. Shorty Mac fucked her in many positions and loved every minute of it. Her pussy was so tight, it looked like vice grips were squeezing his cock. Come and check this crazy shit out! You ll love it. Enjoy!

  • 00:46:30
  • Dec 21, 2009
  • 217


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