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victoria lawson and el matador

This week we have the Lovely Victoria Lawson and she is looking amazing! Fly ass, fly titties, cute personality and she s always willing to please the cock. Victoria is the real deal and we love to see those qualities in a pornstar. That s why this week, we need to mix her up with someone Special . Enter El Matador. He s weird and eccentric...and did I mention weird? He walks around with a mask everywhere he goes. I don t know if that makes him a genius or crazy, but it certainly makes him interesting. Especially, when you hear about his line of work. He chases monkeys! What? Yep. I did say he was weird, right? Anyway, we paired these two together to see what would happen if a regular joe - if you could call El that - and a porn star were to ever cross paths. Could there be romance and fucking in the air, or will El Matador, be the guy that killed it? CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:34:21
  • Jan 14, 2010
  • 250


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