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bobbi starr and the homeless dude

This week we found Bobbi Starr and asked her to be on Can He Score. We explained to Bobbi that we ve been hooking up hot pornstars on blind dates with average joes and if everything goes well she can bang the lucky shmoe. Bobbi was into the idea, but - get this - she s already in a relationship. She says fuck it and agrees anyway, so we hooked her up with Aiden Stone. He s 19 years old and looks like he s been living out of his car for a while now. He s in California so he can go to technical school and he wanted to get to meet a porn star. Why not? He s a little slow...he looks like he needs all the help he can get. We set Bobbi and Aiden out on the big city to explore and get to know each other. Maybe if things will work out, she takes him home to meet her boyfriend and he can give them a reach around. Or maybe not? CAN HE SCORE?

  • 00:36:27
  • Jan 28, 2010
  • 2197


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