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hot cup of joe ho w/ kendra mckenzi

In this fantastic BangBus episode, we find Preston and Smokey riding around looking for some coffee and talking about their weekend at the Calle Ocho Festival. Smokey deejayed and Preston accompanied his girl for a nice Sunday of Latin music and delicious food. At the coffee shop, Preston spots a hot little blonde sitting enjoying a book. He approaches her and invites her to come along with him for a ride and a talk. Maybe it s Preston s soft spoken manner that tempts this beauty on to the bus. They ride around for a bit and soon find out that Kendra is a total nympho. Well, this is all Preston needs to get the ball rolling. He starts to mess with Kendra by saying that he thinks she has a floppy pussy and she just has to prove him wrong. She takes off her pants and shows him the goods. And guess what?? She does indeed have a floppy pussy... Just joking! It s a pretty pink punany if I ve ever seen one. Preston even tries to get Smokey in on it by demanding he pull his cock out. Smokey has a girl so he refuses with a smile. The plan is to pick up Stefan and surprise him with a blow job. Needless to say he s surprised indeed. You would never know just by looking at Kendra that she could take a big cock, but she does like a champ! Enjoy!!

  • 01:08:42
  • Mar 30, 2010
  • 281


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