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one lucky fan!

Hey guys! Preston here, bringing you this week s bangbus. We did something different this week. No, not completely new but its been a long time since i ve done this. So today i decided to go ahead and bring a fan on the bus again. I mean this guy has been harrassing me for quite some time, so I figured...what the hell. I flew him all the way from nashville and get this...his name is Duke. LOL come on Anyway he came on the bus and this dude has only been with 2 women in his lifetime and one of them was purchased for him. So I took pity on the guy. We were rolling down the streets and we ran into this hot blondie and i mean i chased her and begged. All she wanted was some damn ice cream so what the hell ice cream she in she came and she was kinda freaked out by Duke but she started opening up to the wholesome boy that he portrayed till she gave in and well you guys know goes around here....I hope you guys enjoy this update..Stay tuned!!!

  • 01:19:48
  • Apr 27, 2010
  • 473


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