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lidiane makes em run!

Typical day in a third world country, Tony is lost and has no idea where the hell to go. He s stuck between a crossroad and picks a path that leads to a little bodego style store. In the store, he comes across local Lidiane, and she s in the market for a new broom to clean her house. In comes Tony, with generosity that has lustful thinking behind it. He offers to help her out with the cleaning later on, and she could use the help so she tells him to meet him later on. Later comes and Tony finds himself in an interesting predicament. she lives in a tiny house with a tin roof, but Tony looks past the lack of amenities her place has to offer and indulges in that Brazilian ass!!! She sucks him up, rides cock, beasts the all fours, and takes facial like a champ! But, her man comes knocking on the door and it s off to the races for Tony, fast as lighting in his birthday suit, run Tony run!!! Check it out, it s a classic!

  • 00:36:27
  • May 12, 2010
  • 197


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