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hands on sex ed w/ syren de mer

Rocco was on his way to class at the illustrious university he attends. Apparently the rumor around school is that he has the hottest teacher in the whole university and on top of that she s the Sex Ed teacher. He loves to hear her talk about safe sex. He was running a little late when Ms. De Mer pulls up and offers him a ride to class. He of course accepts his teachers offer and hops in. She tells him she needs to stop by her house first to pick up her lesson plans, but Rocco doesn t know is that Ms. Syren De Mer is attempting to seduce him once in the confines of her house. Wait till he tells his buddies is what Rocco s thinking when Ms. De Mer calls him in to her room to help her organize her papers. He walks in to find his very sexy teacher with no pants on. How can he resist a personal lesson in Sex Ed!? Syren starts to suck Roccos cock right there in her bedroom and all hell breaks loose. How lucky can you be to get laid by your own teacher? Enjoy!

  • 00:32:15
  • May 28, 2010
  • 703


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