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kelsey michaels, & alina aldamen s lucky shopper

Talk about bering a the right place, and at the right time! Today my homegirl and her friend (Kelsey Michaels, & Alina Aldamen) met me at the beach for a little fun, and after flashing some titties and showing some ass, we walked into a store where we gave one lucky shopper the time of his life. I literally gave the store attendant two C-notes to let us close his store for a couple of hours while we shot. The dude was supper down and told us to help ourselves. Well, the girls had a blast, and mystery shopper number one got his rocks off. Check it our guys. You won t be disappointed. There s plenty of cock sucking, girl on girl making out, and super duper big asses flying all over the place! Enjoy...

  • 00:42:18
  • Jun 06, 2010
  • 654


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