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lacey grey made my day

I found Lacey lounging by the poolside in the hot sun today. She was looking amazing in the glint of the sun light. The only problem I found was that Lacey had clothes on. Well I needed to fix this, so I challenged her to a game of StripPing-Pong. That s right I made that game up, but she doesn t know that. I gave Lacey the only two rules she needed to know. One is if she misses she has to take off an article of clothing and two she always loses. Lacey loved it, and she was already geared up to lose. Lacey looks amazing naked, fantastic ass that just jiggles like jello. After she lost I told her why i really wanted her to come and jerk my friend off. Once again Lacey was down. She never ceases to amaze me.

  • 00:19:30
  • Aug 01, 2010
  • 116


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