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roxy is our new web-cam plaything!

This week my homeboy Champ came by because he wanted to get a little bit of action. I told him the web-cam girls were in the next room. Champ convince me to take him to meet some of the girls and maybe get a handjob. I knew he had come just for that. Why else would he meet his friend at his job; just so happens its porn. So I asked him if he liked white girls. Tuns out Champ is a fan of white meat. So I took him to meet Roxy our new web-cam girl. She was spread on a mattress with only a red shirt and yellow panties. Proxy s ass was popping facing us when we entered. It was amazing. Just imagine watching a 3d movie and thats how in your face it was; We were in the right room. I told Roxy to hook up Champ with a freebie for the crowd. Roxy told me thats exactly what she needed. A cock between her hands, tits and ass...Check it out.

  • 00:18:27
  • Aug 08, 2010
  • 129


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