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fuck chocolate...gimmy samone!

Samone Taylor is a chocolate bunny with a fat ass and big juicy tits. She hails from Cali and is ready to get down with us. How about we just get right in to it and rip her panties off? Yeah! We waist no time and get this bunny naked. She shows off her thick and luscious body for us then gets right in to it with Davie! I haven t seen dick sucking like this in a while. Samone knows her way around a cock. She slobbers it, she wets it up, she chokes on it, she makes it part of her throat! You can put Samone in any position you want her in. She s willing to take it doggy, missionary and she can ride a dick like no other. She especially likes the Mexican cock. What happens when you give a Mexicano to a black girl who loves her hispanic men?? Enjoy!

  • 00:21:09
  • Dec 11, 2010
  • 118


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