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shoe size doesn t matter w/ kendall fox

Kendall Fox is a cute Hawaiian chick we met out in California who claims to be able to hang with any size cock. She even states that she s had plenty big ones in her day and that she s willing to take on any monster we throw her way. Ever heard the the expression Size doesn t matter? Well what means is that SHOE SIZE doesn t matter. As Kendall learns, the hard way, is that looking at a mans foot size is not the way to find out if he has a big cock. It s by taking off his pants and and letting it fall to the floor. Kendall wanted the big man. She got the big man! It s great to watch her try to deep throat the dick. She sure does give it a try. It s when it s shoved inside her tight pussy that she realizes what she s gotten her self in to. I m pretty sure the neighbors know exactly what s going on and if not they might be calling the police for muff murder. Enjoy!

  • 00:32:15
  • Jan 03, 2011
  • 542


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