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remastered: rene

I haven t seen this one in a loooong time man. I forgot about this French hottie and now that we re remastering all the BANG BROS classics I get a chance to reconnect with all my favorite sluts from the past. It s kinda like Scrooge but the porn version and the ghosts are on my computer screen. That was a horrible metaphor. Rene is the chicks name and she s a French, blonde and helpless madam. The guys spotted her stuck at a gas station. Her car broke down and she was looking for a mechanic. With no mechanic in site for at least 3 miles she was in need of rescue and Bang Bus gives rides to scared foreign chicks who give up the goods otherwise they get tossed out the van quicker than they can say wait I left my panties in the back seat!! You have to see Renes tits. She s got such soft & sexy nipples. It s funny cuz most chicks will give you everything if you just make them laugh and flirt the right way. Most people don t know that all the guys on the Bang Bus are all out of work horny psychologists. That s not true, but if it were true it would cool. Maybe illegal like using matial arts in a street fight. A lethal weapon. Sorry. Went on a tangent. Enough reading! A French slut gets fucked on film for like 10 bucks!! Watch me now!

  • 00:33:18
  • Jul 29, 2011
  • 973


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