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creampies & motorcycles w/ danni cole

Whoa! Ms. Danni Cole is a hottie! She hails from Arizona, but lives now in California and she s ready to be famous! Danni is a traveled woman & an open minded kinda chick who loves to fuck and when she found out she could do that for money she was down like a hound bone bound! We meet up with her at the park. It was a lovely day and we wanted a lil R&R so we asked Danni to meet us there. She s got a nice lil ass, a slammin body and huge tits!! What more can a man ask for really? Ms. Cole is first seen ridding bike for us around the park. After we take her back to the crib we ask her nicely to ride bike with out her clothes and she agrees. Did I mention the Danni Cole is horny as fuck?! We oblige her and give her some cock for her mouth. Danni knows her way around a dick and she would like to prove it to you. Watch and enjoy!

  • 00:59:42
  • Jul 29, 2011
  • 579


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