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gotta love outta towners!

On this weeks Bangbus were going back to the basics with this update. So my boy champ is back and he is hungry for some ass, I unleash him into the streets and he brings back these two hotties one a blonde with nice fake tits and the other a shy looking, nerdy but a hottie none the less and these girls are here all the way from Colorado so they re here to enjoy themselves which is perfect for us so I throw some money their way and they decide to come with us and try it out little did they know what they were getting themselves into(you guys know but they don t). Anyway they get in we start the yappin you know getting them comfortable and bam these two girls start going at each other one claims she s never done something like that (yeah right) and of course the homie champ had to get in there some how, So he just does his thing and the one girl who I thought was the shy looking,nerdy but a hottie turns out to be a total FREAK goes in on her girl while getting pounded from the back! im telling you guys,This update was crazy and the outcome was even crazier. STAY TUNED!

  • 00:46:30
  • Aug 16, 2011
  • 403


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