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rachel roxxx and the latin fan club

Yo this week we got Rachel Roxxx on Can he score. She is unstoppable beauty with a lust only a cock can fulfill. She wanted to hook up with a fan we told her we had just the one. Some dude named Raul who sent us a tape begging us to bring him on to the show. So We took her to go scoop him up at the Airport and took him to buy some dildos and shit. Rachel is so hot! She was playing around that Adult store, like it was her personal toy store. After we picked out some stuff we took them back to the crib and they played a little game of strip pool, in which for every pocket sunk someone had to remove an article of clothing. Guess who lost that one..? You might have to see for your self!!

  • 00:44:24
  • Aug 18, 2011
  • 343


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