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playing magical pussy w/ alanah rae, zoey halloway, giselle leon

Ok So what do you suppose would happen if I take three gorgeous women to a local parking lot to go get some coffee, we d just get coffee and go home right? Wrong! Not with this trifecta of Hornballs, they ended up picking up some random guys to take back to their place and fuck the shit out. I mean seriously, We were at that parking lot at most maybe Five minutes and they already deep throating a strangers cock. Alanah Rae is one of the most gorgeous girls i ve ever filmed, but she is just insatiable, Giselle is a quiet girl but she cant keep her mouth shut if there s a cock stretching her open. And finally, Zoey the freak, who loves to bury her mens faces deep into her pussy while they re getting ridden by these two girl in succession. You could say we played Magical Pussy today, instead of Magical Chairs.

  • 00:40:12
  • Aug 25, 2011
  • 494


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