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5 lbs per tit

Meet Allison Evers. She is a southern gal who loves to fuck and feels she s blessed. She actually is really. She has ginormous tits!! They re K s!! God blesses those who he loves & it seems that God truly loves Allison. We hooked her up with a buddy of ours Buddy. Once he got a look of her tits he was immediately down to fuck. She s got nice nipples, she s got and tight ass and she can suck dick like a southern jezebel should. My favorite part of this episode is when they start to pour oil all over Allisons shirt. They attempted to reveal her nipples through the shirt with water, but that didn t seem to work so they went with the baby oil. Baby oil works like a charm!! It was a windy day so her nipples were rock hard. They move back in to the house and that is where the festivities resumed. I love me a southern belle who likes to have dicks stuffed in her vagina. Don t you??

  • 00:39:36
  • Aug 31, 2011
  • 482


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