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now you ve got a story to tell

In this weeks bangbus update,were out doing what we best and that is take the streets and look for hot women that we can throw some at,So we run into this little hottie by the name of Cassandra and she is an out of towner and my boy tony was really Into this girl as soon as he saw her,So what the hell we approached her and at first she was very skeptical and rude but all of that goes away once you flash some cash then she began being cool and nice to us and doing all the things we wanted. In she comes and with us and were just bullshitting about her past life so I tell tony to just go for it and this girl responded like she has done this before and went all in on my friend and lets just say that she taught albino a couple of things.I hope you guys enjoy this update I sure did,Stay tuned!

  • 00:59:42
  • Sep 13, 2011
  • 262


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