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nice n juicy

Kaylee Kisses is here to stay. She s a beautiful black woman & I would be comfortable saying she s a thick and juicy mama who deserves to get dicked down like the dick loving woman she is. We brought in a friend of ours to just that. They hit it off and begin hitting that ass. Apparently the cute, almost shy, vibe Kaylee gives off is hiding a secret lil hornball who sucks better dick that the best of em. We need more chicks like her in our movies. I can tell Ms. Kisses is going to be FAMOUS. She s got beautiful brown skin, a plump ass and succulent tits with perfect aureolas. I just want to suck her nipples every time I see her. It s too bad she s all the way on the westcoast, but a man can dream can t he? A man can have a spank bank and can imagine right? Hooray for Kaylee Kisses!!! Keep em coming mama!!

  • 00:39:36
  • Sep 24, 2011
  • 152


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