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tori taylor is here!!!

We love Tori Taylor! She s such a sweet girl. We invited her to come chill with us for a while. I mean it was a beautiful sunny California day so who s going to turn a poolside vibe on such a day? We knew she would come and we wanted to have some real fun. We knew Tori would be down for some fun so as soon as she got there we started to take her clothes off. Her smiles and laughter only made us feel more comfortable doing more and more. In the end Tori had no clothes on sucking my friends dick while we filmed the whole thing. This is why Tori Taylor is the shiznit with mustard, ketchup & potato chips on top!! There s nothing like a sweaty sex session under the Cali sun with a thick black chick. Believe me. If you havent had your self a dosage of THICKNESS then you re not alive mother fuckers!! Go get you some!!

  • 00:30:09
  • Oct 01, 2011
  • 327


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