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madison ivy, the cum thief

Gather round ye boys and girls for the tale of the elusive Cum Thief. It is said she is of small stature, with breasts as big as the melon. Her slit is small and portly. She works her magic coming in and taking your cum from your member with her soft tiny hands. Some say that if you speak her name, she ll do your every bidding. In all seriousness though, Madison Ivy is back from a year long hiatus and she is new and improved!!! She knows exactly how to tug and tease a cock. She starts off slow with sensual tugs. Then she picks up the pace, all the while teasing your dick with her luscious lips and mouth. In no time, you won t be able to withstand her touch; blowing a load all over her. This was a good tug. Don t miss it!

  • 00:14:15
  • Oct 23, 2011
  • 421


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