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christmas bunny

So today I was driving around and I happen to come across a real live movie set. There was tons of extras hanging around just waiting for their time to shine. So I pull up to one really hot black chick named Tila. So I kind of told her that I was part of the whole movie set and that the director told me to get her for some behind the scene action. She totally fell for it, lol, which I couldn t believe. So I take her to the house and tell her that I need to see her body naked cause thats what the scene calls for. Once again she is totally down to do what ever it takes to make in this movie. So I called my boy Johnny to come threw and play along like he was the director,lol. As soon as he walks in its totally on. Tila still has no fucking idea what s going on but she is totally a team player. She drops to her knees and gives superior deep throat action that makes Johnny turns her ass around to give her pussy a pounding. This girl must of been so fucking horny cause she squirted all over my boy and the couch making a beautiful mess. After Johnny gives her his patent facial, we tell her she did a great job and we will be calling her soon, lol.

  • 00:33:18
  • Dec 24, 2011
  • 172


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