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in nataly s cabin

There is nothing better than a day at the beach. Better than that there is not unless you include a mommy nececitada. A girl so tired of divercion looking for some relaxation. We are just that. Her name was Natalie and let me tell you that Natalie is one of those women who want to know after having it with you always. What we found was a hollow that day at sea. Nataly accept us and left us sitting at his table auque was reading. I do not consider interruption if not a little more than divercion. She had mentioned she was cansadita to swim all day and it hurt his back a little. We offered to help with that and started giving him a massage. Natalie told us that the cabin had oil we could use to give a massage. WHAT??!?!?! You know. You know. Enjoy!

  • 00:46:30
  • Feb 04, 2012
  • 328


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