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horny white girls get fucked

Hey there ladies and gents how are all you beautiful people doing today? Anyway just trying to be a little nicer hell I m feeling that damn good today but on to what we do best! Were out on the beach scoping out the scenery and the number on the out of towners is high today so I knew it was gonna be a good day I brought my homie all the way from AZ to give him a shot at this we do and see how he performs. He spots these two cuties from a far and they didn t dissapoint as we got closer so I had to sccop these two and ofcourse I get the one nice friend and I get the one bad ass mean one lol they come in pair but throw enough money at any situation and you will be happy with the results and I was lol money did all the talking today as it should. In they come they answer a couple of questions but then the action just picked up and they were both butt naked in the back off the van making with each other and the homie wasn t gonna let this slip by and took matters into his own under pants if you know what I mean lol...STAY TUNED!!!

  • 00:54:27
  • Feb 14, 2012
  • 719


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