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hot girl jumps on for money

Like the title states were on to the next one in many ways New Ideas new everything but let s not get to wrapped around the small stuff and give you guys what you want! So were out doing our thing at the beach and we spot a lot of prospects but of course they want nothing to do with us and who are we to blame them but there was this one hottie who I tried approaching and she was really aggressive with us but that didn t stop us from getting our girl so we approached her again and this time with some charm from yours truly and the homie albino we got her to come in the bus and chill with us and inside this girl was so cute but crazy stand off ish but I was persistant and ofcourse you throw any money at any situation and you will get results just as we did lol if you know what I mean the homie got his nut and we got our girl and most important this fine footage that you all will get a chance to view and of course enjoy! Stay Tuned!

  • 01:13:30
  • Mar 27, 2012
  • 1679


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