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Shit, I was going to do something on this weekend so I went over to some czech village which has a beatuful dam. Then I saw this girl walking down the road so I ran after her to ask for direction to some pansionat I was going to stay at. She was so kind to show me how to get there and I thought it would be good to offer her 1000 czech crones so she can tell me about herself and 1000 for telling me about her sexual life. She said that she only had 3 boyfriends in her life (one for each hole) and she like to suck cock. And swallow jeezzz. And lick balls. She got me so turned on and almost felt from this damn dam we where standing at. 5 minutes later she found herself sucking my cock in the small czech forest where moscitos where biting my ass. It was good (I mean sucking)

  • 00:35:24
  • Apr 17, 2012
  • 227


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