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fucking for business

Not too long ago we had a young lady come in to our office claiming to have been in the porn industry before. We searched and were not able to find a single trace of her doing movies or even pictures so we decided to put her to the test. We asked her to take her clothes off and show us the goods. She did and the goods were oh so good. We immediately started to go to work on her and she was loving every minute of it. I mean when we saw her eyes as she walked in to the office we could tell she wanted to fuck. We love a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. I believe she was from Venezuela, but the only thing we care about is if she lets us get all up in there with a camera. She did a great job, but we still haven t been able to find any evidence of her previous work. She s an amateur in our book and a damn good one at that.

  • 00:40:12
  • Aug 17, 2012
  • 234


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