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petite amateur ass fucked on the bangbus

This week we are wandering the streets of Miami and found ourselves in the thick of Miami s Art District. Lots of cool artwork painted on the walls of Miami. Its definitley a hangout for your hip hotties, like this one girl we found walking around in the street. She was walking to work and we stopped her. She didnt look to pleased to be stopped so she was very hesitant to talk to us. So we tried to get her to get in the bus, but she kept on refusing, even walked away from us. But we tracked her down and talked to her some more and after some quick charmy words we got her in the bus. the prey was in the web and now the spider sang his song to woo her into his game. We talked to her a bit more and found out she was bored because she was from Michigan and her boyfriend who lives up north hasnt come down and fucked her in so long. In fact, she was thinking about trading him in... So we decided who better to help her out. We ll fuck her good on the bus and ditch her for being a cooze lol ok stop reading and watch

  • 00:40:12
  • Mar 04, 2014
  • 963


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