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ghetto black girl gives up ass for cash on bangbus

This week we found a sweet ebony girl walking her sexy ass out of the local grocery store. She was walking to her boyfriends house. We had to stop and at least talk to her, but she was startled and was quick to call the cops on us. We had to calm her down and offer her some money just to hang up. Then when we had her attention we got her to think we were some college kids doing a fraternity thing and asked her if she wouldn t mind kissing my boy donkey for rush week. She was going to say no, but his wanker accent was enough to draw her in and when he showed her his dick she completely forgot she even had a boyfriend to begin with. That my boy. This is a great update if you are down with the swirl or if you like your chocolate dark. Check it out boy!!!

  • 00:49:39
  • May 06, 2014
  • 150


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