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prom night threesome

Remy and Van were getting ready for their big night together. They have been a couple for a few months and Remy plans on doing something special for Van tonight. Shes gonna give him a piece of ass. First though they need to take pictures, Nikki, the step mom insists that she must have a few pictures of her step-daughter before she sends them both off on their big night. Nikki who s a bit of an empathic woman, she picked up a feeling of uneasiness in Remy. So when Van realized that he had left all the liquor at his friends house and left to go pick it up. Nikki took the chance to ask her what was going on. Remy confessed that tonight was the big night, but she was unsure because she had never done it before and wanted to get it right. Well being a good step-mother that she is Nikki calmed Remy down and then began to teach her how to please a man by eating Remy s pussy. Remy who never had her pussy eaten before was in total bliss, so much so, she failed to notice her boyfriend had walked in on them until she had cum with ecstasy. Luckily Nikki had a solution for this problem too..A threesome with her stepdaughter, her boyfriend and herself. You can say that this really was a night to remember forever. The end.

  • 00:46:30
  • Jun 19, 2014
  • 278


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